Call for Workshop Proposals
ICWE 2010 invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the
conference, related to the topics of interest.
Submissions of workshop proposals
focusing on new emerging topics are also more than welcome.
The organizer(s) of approved workshops will be responsible for advertising
their workshop, for the reviewing process, and for the collection of camera-ready
copies of accepted papers (verifying that they comply with the formatting rules). All accepted workshop papers will be published in postconference
workshop proceedings in the Springer LNCS series.
Local organization provides first-class facilities (e.g., wifi all around,
good meals, nice scenery and excellent coffee).
The workshop may be cancelled if the number of submissions is low.
Submission instructions
- Format: The proposal should be submitted in PDF and cover
the following points:
- Workshop title, length (1 day, 1/2 day).
- Organizers (PC chairs, other organizers who will be present at the
workshop or are otherwise involved, including the person responsible for
the Web site and communication). Please include names, addresses,
affiliations, and indicate who is the main responsible person. The
submission should include a one-paragraph biographical sketch for each
organizer, describing relevant qualifications and experience.
- Purpose: How does the focus of the workshop fit to the main conference
and how will it serve the ICWE community? What are the main goals? List
the workshop topics.
- Organization of the workshop. Include any special requirement on
infrastructure and room layout.
- List of PC members.
- An estimated number of papers to be accepted, and number of attendees.
If applicable, short information on previous editions of the workshop series.
This should include attendance information.
- Short information on the organizers' plans for advertizing their workshop and making
it highly visible.
- Submission place: Organizers can use the ICWE 2010 Submission site at
EasyChair for the submission of their proposals. Workshop proposals
are submitted to the dedicated WORKSHOPS Track.
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: February 1, 2010 (23:59 Hawaii Time)
- Notification of acceptance: February 8, 2010
- Workshop papers submission deadline: tba
- Notification of Workshop papers acceptance: tba
- Workshop papers camera-ready version: tba
Workshop Chairs
- Florian Daniel, Uni Trento, Italy
- Federico M. Facca, Uni Innsbruck, Austria
Contact Information
In case of inquiries, please contact the workshop chairs at:
workshops [at]